“To provide for those that mourn (in Zion)- To bestow on them a Crown of Beauty instead of Ashes, the Oil of Joy instead of Mourning, and a Garment of Praise instead of a spirit of Despair…”
-Isaiah 61:3 NIV


Woman in the Mirror was founded by Beverly Brown at Word Alive Church, Thornton, CO in October 2017. God placed a burden on Beverly’s heart for women who have suffered or currently are suffering domestic violence. Her vision was to move women from being “Victims” to being “Survivors”, by creating a community where men and women can come to know God and see themselves through the lense of His Word. When we see ourselves as God sees us, we can be truly be free.

In February 2019, Woman in the Mirror  revamped and introduced Christina Cordova as Ministry Leader. Christina is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Mentor, and has completed training as a Certified Inner Healing and Deliverance Minister.

In October 2021, Woman in the Mirror transitioned into an Independent Ministry and is currently working to provide additional resources, Inner Healing opportunities, Bible Studies, and Trainings. 

For several years prior to joining Woman in the Mirror, Christina had been feeling the Call of God to start working in a ministry that focuses on Inner Healing and Education for those who have experienced Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

As a Survivor of DV and childhood sexual abuse, as well as a child of a Survivor, Christina’s heart has been broken for the countless men and women who have suffered abuse. Her passion has been to raise awareness to not only society, but also in the Church, to educate on the dangers of dating violence, and provide resources on emergency services to those in need, as well as those who have friends or family that may be being abused. Christina has a deep love for Jesus, a heart for the countless broken and hurting Survivors of abuse, and desire to bring awareness to end DV and Sexual Abuse.

Sometimes all we need is to know that someone cares, with out judgement. Because we have been on many sides of DV and Abuse, Woman in the Mirror understands how important it is to offer a shame free environment, for survivors to feel safe, loved, and heard. Woman in the Mirror is here to help those who are hurting, heal from the past and embrace the future. We will share the love of Jesus with you, walk beside you, pray, cry and laugh together as you learn to see yourself in a new way.

We meet in a small group setting with monthly breakfast meetings, special events and group volunteer projects, newsletters, emails, and in the future will provide Youth and Young Adult DV education opportunities.

*We do not provide licensed counseling services, nor do we provide emergency Services.

Get Help for you or someone you love

If you or someone you know are being abused there is help available 24/7 – 365.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline

1-800-799-7233 \ 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) \ Español

Great Resources and Articles can be found at:
